In the face of a devastating fire that forced the closure of Kebo’s Restaurant in Camilla, Georgia, the owners have chosen to focus on giving back to the community. Despite their own challenges, they partnered with local organizations to ensure that adults with disabilities could still embark on an exciting trip to Disney World. The Mitchell-Baker Service Center had planned a fundraiser at Kebo’s but had to cancel due to the fire. However, the Green family, who owns the restaurant, quickly initiated an online fundraising campaign to support the trip, demonstrating remarkable resilience and generosity.
Unwavering Commitment Amidst Loss
Despite the setback caused by the fire, the owners of Kebo’s Restaurant remained committed to supporting a meaningful cause. Instead of succumbing to despair, they reached out to the Mitchell-Baker Service Center to find alternative ways to contribute. This partnership exemplifies the strength of community bonds and the willingness to help others even in difficult times. The Green family’s initiative to start a GoFundMe campaign reflects their dedication to ensuring the Disney World trip remains a reality for those less fortunate.
The fire at Kebo’s was a significant blow, not only to the business but also to the community event planned for Tuesday. Nevertheless, Regina and Keith Green, along with their son Vance, decided to channel their efforts into organizing an online fundraiser. They understood the importance of this trip for adults with disabilities and wanted to make sure it wasn’t canceled. The $3,000 goal set for the GoFundMe campaign aimed to cover the expenses for 19 individuals who were eagerly looking forward to the experience. The Greens’ actions showcased their compassion and determination to turn a challenging situation into an opportunity to give back.
Community Support Surges Forward
The response from the community has been overwhelmingly positive, with many people stepping up to contribute to the cause. Local residents and businesses alike have rallied around the Mitchell-Baker Service Center and Kebo’s Restaurant, demonstrating the power of collective effort. The support extends beyond just financial contributions, as people have shown genuine care and empathy for those involved. This outpouring of generosity highlights the importance of coming together during tough times.
Mitchell-Baker Service Center, which introduces adults with disabilities to new experiences, had initially planned to take 19 individuals to Disney World. The planned fundraiser at Kebo’s was meant to raise funds for this trip. When the fire occurred, the Green family immediately reached out to Ginna Waters, the Executive Director of Mitchell-Baker Service Center, offering to start an online fundraiser. Waters expressed deep gratitude for the Greens' selflessness, noting that their actions truly touched her heart. Donations can be made through various methods, including the GoFundMe page, checks or cash delivered to the Mitchell-Baker Service Center, and Venmo transfers. The community’s solidarity has ensured that the dream of visiting Disney World remains alive for these deserving individuals.